
Monday, February 27, 2012

I Took A Shower In My Own House Today!

Aren't you happy for me?! 

We have a shower!  We don't have a whole wall around it yet and for some reason on the new shower handle hot seems to mean cold and cold seems to mean hot, but it doesn't leak and it is actually in my house.  So, I am thrilled! 

Well, with all this construction going on, I haven't had much time to knit.  :(  One of my items was, however, featured in another treasury!  Here is the link:

My Snowflake Pattern Purse is the item that was featured and the treasury was made by Meagan of Ears To You 2 .

So, I will try to get back to normal life (and hopefully my knitting) and you go check out these links! 

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